
Micromice are small autonomous robots design to traverse a maze. The maze consists of 256 squares (16 x 16) on a 18cm grid with recofigurable walls which are 1.2cm thick and 5cm high. The floor of the maze is matt black and the walls are white with red tops. There are three basic types of mice: Contact wall followers that find there way around the maze by mechanically detecting the left hand wall. Non contact wall followers that find there way around the maze by detecting the left hand wall without touching it usually using optical sensors. Maze solvers that build up a map of the maze as they search for the centre then calculate the best path and return to the start and do as quick a run to the center as possible.


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Drive 10mm motor/gearbox 400rpm
Wheels 25mm dia 10mm wide Sticky Rubber Tyres
Wall Sensors 6 Pulsed Red LED's / 6  Photo Transistors
Battery 8.4 V 180mah 15C Lithium Polymer
Type Non Contact Wall Follower
Weight 86 gms
Processor Atmega48
Software Assembler

Drive 10mm motor/gearbox 400rpm
Wheels 32mm dia 14mm wide Sticky Rubber Tyres
Wall Sensors 6 Pulsed IR LED's / 6 IR Photo Transistors
Battery 8.4 V 180mah 15C Lithium Polymer
Type Maze Solver (with luck)
Weight 77 gms
Processor Atmega128
Software Assembler

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